Zoe Cire, Maggy Hamel-Metsos, Gérald Lajoie, Katie Lyle, Sophie Stone
August 10 - September 2, 2023
Organized by Katie Lyle
Franz Kaka, Toronto
Katie Lyle, exhibition text, August 2023

Fragment 5 (The Mentor), 2023, acrylic, canvas and grout on wood panel

Fragment 5 (Hand and Glove), 2023, acrylic, canvas, collage and grout on wood panel

Little Fly, 2023, Acrylic and grout on wood panel

Zoe Cire, Bar Soap, 2022, Oil on canvas, grommets and bungee cords

Maggy Hamel Metsos, Caretakers, 2023 (detail)